Winters in Bergenfield, NJ are far too intense to not have a reliable heater in your home. If your system is on its last legs, you might be eyeing a replacement. Ideally, the operation can wait until the spring, when you won’t need your heater and can plan a replacement session accordingly.

In some cases, that might not be possible, however, and with months to go until the weather warms up, you may need to replace your failing heating system before the spring. But how can you tell when and what steps should you take if you do need a new heater right away? We’ve got a few guidelines to help you make those big decisions.


The decision to replace a heater in the middle of winter instead of waiting for spring boils down to two factors: its functionality and its cost. Older heaters tend to be inefficient heaters, and your monthly budget may be groaning under the high bills it’s costing to run the thing. If you are ready to invest in a new heating system, you may want to do so right away. It will save you money on those bills of the remainder of the winter. If you can hang on until spring, however, this might be a better time to plan for the replacement instead of rushing into it.

Functionality is the other issue. Obviously, if the heating system suffers a breakdown, you’ve got a decision to make. Factor in the cost of any repairs you make with the longevity of your heater. If you think it can go another year or two and the repairs aren’t expensive, then you might go ahead and make them to keep your system up and running. On the other hand, if the repairs are more expensive than you’re prepared to pay and/or you intend to replace the heater before next winter regardless, the breakdown may be a chance to simply replace it now and be done with it.


Replacing a heater in the middle of winter isn’t ideal and you’ll need to move quickly in some circumstances to keep your home from turning into an icebox. But you shouldn’t skip the key steps involved in making your heater an effective and fully functional system. It’s going to need to run for years, after all, and the need for swift action shouldn’t force you to skip the steps you need to take.

  • The technician should perform an energy audit on your home to determine the power level of heater you need.
  • You should look at the AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency) rating to determine the heater’s efficiency. The higher the rating, the better use it makes of your fuel. After the power levels have been determined, this is the most important component of your heater.
  • Schedule the installation during a period when the weather is going to be cooperative: a clear day without a lot of wind, if possible. That will ensure that the process goes as smoothly as possible.

Cal the pros at BZ Dependable, Inc. for quality heating replacement services.

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