A good boiler with a record of regular maintenance and repairs can outlast almost any other heating system, and will often outlast many other appliances in a home, like ovens, stoves, and refrigerators. This is a reason boilers remain popular for home heating to this day, even with so many other options.

However, you should know when the time has come to take the old workhouse out to pasture. It won’t always be obvious that you should replace a boiler; frequently, a unit will appear to be working fine into its advanced years… but there are still some good reasons for you to replace it with a new model.

BZ Dependable Plumbing & Heating, Inc. has installed boilers for years, so when you are ready for an upgrade to your heating in Westwood, NJ, call our capable, skilled technicians.

Reasons for replacing that older boiler:

  • It is losing efficiency: There’s a difference between “working” and “working well.” Look over your heating bills for the past few years; if you notice an increase that isn’t due to malfunctions or rises in fuel prices, it probably means your boiler is losing efficiency because of age. Replacing the system now will mean you will begin saving money immediately, which will make up for installation costs.
  • To avoid an abrupt breakdown: We are in the middle of a tough winter right now. The last thing you want to happen is for your heating system to break down on a one of the coldest day. With an aging boiler, you have little assurance that it will make it through to spring. If you schedule installation during a warm spell, or when you can plan to temporarily vacate the house, you’ll have greater peace of mind about the cold days ahead.
  • To take advantage of new technology: Even if your old boiler is maintaining its standard efficiency level, enough time has passed for new boiler technology to overtake it in efficiency. Many modern boilers score AFUE ratings above 90%, where older boilers were usually in the lower 80s. Special high-efficiency boilers score even higher. The positive change in your heating bill can be immense.

Consult with Your Local Heating Experts

Call BZ Dependable Plumbing & Heating, Inc. for a consultation about your current boiler. Our experts in heating in Westwood, NJ can diagnose your boiler and provide suggestions about replacements. If it is time for a new boiler, let our technicians help you pick a model, and then you can take it easy while they provide a fast and effective installation.

Don’t risk a breakdown this winter! Call BZ Dependable Plumbing & Heating, Inc.

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