Spring has finally arrived, and with it, residents of Bergen County, NJ are beginning to enjoy the prospect of balmy weather once again. Many homeowners are looking forward to summer and taking steps to repair and maintain their air conditioners. However, that doesn’t mean you should just leave your heater alone until next winter. Now is the ideal time to perform maintenance and repairs on your heating unit, to ensure that it’s ready to go when the temperatures start to drop. Here are a few spring tips for your heater.

Schedule a Maintenance Session as Soon as Possible

A maintenance session isn’t the same as a repair session. Rather, it’s a sort of tune up designed to increase the heater’s efficiency and identify potentially big problems while they’re still small. The technician gives the unit a thorough inspection, tightens loose bolts and fittings, replaces filters and screens, and otherwise ensures that your heater is ready to go well before the temperatures dip down again.

Check for Larger Problems

While a qualified professional can (and should) pinpoint the exact cause of a larger problem, you can perform a basic check on your heater to see if such problems may be present. The easiest way is to turn on your heater and listen for any usual noises such as grinding or ticking: anything you don’t normally hear when running your heater. You can also check for any obvious signs of damage on the outside of the heater, or spots where a screw or seal might have come loose.

Consider an Oil to Gas Conversion

Many New Jersey residents still use oil-based heaters to stay warm in the winter. The arrival of spring means that you can replace that older technology with a new natural gas heater. Gas heaters are smaller, less expensive and more efficient than oil-based heaters, and the warm weather gives you the time to schedule an installation when you wish, instead of rushing around to complete installation before fall turns into winter.

For more spring tips or to schedule a maintenance session, call upon New Jersey’s heating experts at BZ Dependable!

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