A sewer line leak used to be big trouble here in Dumont, NJ, especially in the winter when the ground was frozen. Unearthing it meant time and effort, which entailed a lot of added expenses too. Nowadays, we can solve the problem much more quickly and inexpensively with trenchless technology, but you still need to be able to spot the signs of a sewer leak in your home. Otherwise, you won’t summon the proper help and the leak will continue: costing you money and damages in the process. Here’s a quick list of a few ways to tell if your sewer line is leaking. If you spot them., your best bet is to call in a trained professional who can assess the situation and help you determine the best way to resolve it.


The best place to look for clues of a sewer leak is in your yard, above the spot where the leak lies. Nearby plant life, for instance, may be nourished by the waste matter leaking out of the pipe. They’ll look greener and lusher than other plant life nearby. Alternately, you may spot puddles forming on the ground with no apparent source, or detect a strange odor when you walk outside across your yard. In some cases, you may even hear the sound of running water without any apparent source. All of these are signs of something bad going on beneath the surface, something that likely requires a plumber’s attention.


Leaks in your sewer line have a tendency to attract vermin such as rats to your property. If you detect an inexplicable increase in local vermin, that could spell trouble. Another, very obvious sign is a sudden spike in your water bills, especially if you haven’t used your plumbing system any more often than normal.

The experts at B.Z. Dependable can fix your leaking sewer line the right way!

There are two main lines that help with your home’s entire plumbing system: the main water line, which brings in potable water for use, and the sewer or septic line, which carries away waste and wastewater. These lines are entrenched in your yard, so knowing when a problem develops with them can be a little tough to decipher. Today we’re going to give you some signs of which to be aware of in case it’s time to replace your sewer line in Bergen County, NJ.

Reading the Signs

As you can tell from our headline, one of the telltale signs of sewer line problems is puddling in your yard. We aren’t talking about puddles that can develop during rainy weather, we are talking about soggy spots and actual puddles that are there all the time, rain or shine. Accompanying the puddles may be our second sign: the strong odor of sewage. The odor is the result of gas leaking from your sewer line along with the wastewater, creating quite a smell. Other less innocuous but equally telling signs may come from your toilet. When there’s a problem with your sewer or septic line, the toilet water may bubble or gurgle when you use the sink close to it; your toilet also may not flush properly or refill with enough water after a flush. Lastly, if all the drains in your home seem slow to drain, this may be a sign that there is a problem with the sewer line.


Anytime your sewer or septic line needs replacing, you must use a trained professional. There are a number of codes involved with correctly installing a sewer or septic pipe, and incorrect installation can lead to multiple problems, some of which that can contaminate your home’s drinking water.

If you have concerns that your sewer or septic line may have issues, call the experts at BZ Dependable Plumbing & Heating, Inc., right away.

Whenever someone mentions a plumbing problem with a main plumbing line like a sewer or septic line, images of a ripped up lawn pretty instantly come to mind. This is because many times, the process of finding an issue with a main water line or sewer line involved unearthing the entire pipe. But when video pipe inspection is used, your plumber will be able to see the innards of your piping without digging up a single speck of dirt. Video pipe inspection in Dumont isn’t used just in cases of repair; it can also be used as a great maintenance tool. Why? A video pipe inspection allows your plumber to get a bird’s eye view of the inside of your pipes, so if there are any blockages, damage or corrosion, these problems will be spotted before they can cause big problems for your home. How does video pipe inspection work? Let’s take a look.


When a professional plumber uses video to inspect your pipes, it may not look like he has a camera at all; this is because thanks to fiber optics, the cameras are very small and are attached to cables that are very similar to the same kinds of cables used to snake drains. And in fact, this is what the plumber is going to do: snake the video camera through your pipes to get a full look at what’s going on. The cameras used for video pipe inspection are high resolution, so the picture that your plumber sees on the monitor is very clear and detailed. The images are viewed in real time and can also be saved, and many cameras also include radio transmitters that allow measuring between the camera’s location and the surface.


With video pipe inspection, your plumber can pinpoint the exact location of a problem within a pipe, eliminating guesswork and the need to rip up a floor or your yard in an effort to find a blockage or leak. This makes the entire process less invasive and cumbersome for both plumber and homeowner alike. It also makes repair and maintenance work more efficient and less time consuming, which can save you money.

If you have concerns about a block in your plumbing system, or simply want a thorough check of the system, call the experts at BZ Dependable Plumbing & Heating, Inc., today and schedule an appointment for video pipe inspection.

A clean drain after using Biosmart.

As you may know, using over-the-counter chemical drain cleaners is a big no-no for your plumbing system in Teaneck or the surrounding areas. These types of cleaners are very caustic, rarely resolve your drain’s clog as needed, and may actually do damage to your plumbing instead. But there is one OTC product you can buy to clean your drains without the help of Bergen County plumbers effectively and naturally: BioSmart drain cleaner.

What Is BioSmart Drain Treatment?

Sooner or later, every homeowner in Bergen County, NJ needs to deal with a clogged drain. And more often than not, clogs require the Teaneck drain cleaning services of a professional Bergen County plumber to properly sort the issue out. Besides the care and expertise that pros bring to such a task, they can also help the environment by using an innovative treatment known as BioSmart drain cleaner.

BioSmart drain cleaner is a 100% natural drain cleaner made from vegetative microbes; as such, “good” bacteria and enzymes are part of the treatment’s patented formulation, and is the only drain cleaner that is approved by the Environmental Protection Agency. This all natural enzyme system is safe for your family, pets, and pipes.

Bacteria and enzymes in BioSmart Drain Treatment feed on organic waste like fats, oil and grease (FOG), food particles and soap scum, which are typically the top reasons for slow draining and clogs. BioSmart will even breakdown hair over time, but more importantly, it eats away at the build-up that holds hair in a clog, allowing it to wash out of your system. BioSmart comes in two forms: liquid and powder. The liquid form doesn’t require any mixing and is safe for septic use; the powder form of BioSmart has the same power as the liquid, but is good for those who don’t like to use liquid or those who have had a sewage spills.

Why Use BioSmart Drain Cleaner?

The most obvious reason to use BioSmart is to clean your drains both effectively and naturally. No one likes the idea of putting harsh chemicals into their plumbing system, and BioSmart allows you to clean your drains without this worry. It won’t burn your skin or eyes, and a professional can apply it with safety and confidence every time. Second, the effects of BioSmart last for weeks because of the organic material used: the bacteria and enzymes not only clean your pipes, they also coat them. This action allows the micro-organisms to eat away at sink waste before it can form a new layer of build-up.

BioSmart is safer for your drains as well, because there is no caustic action that can wear away at the inside of your pipes. Also, BioSmart is safer for you because there’s no danger of hurting your skin or eyes because of splashes of acidic chemicals, or any health problems due to breathing toxic fumes. Also, BioSmart is cost effective: the treatment is very inexpensive compared to a mechanical drain cleaning and it can help prevent future clogging.

Besides the safety and efficiency, the BioSmart system is simply easier to use. When applied in conjunction with a larger plumbing maintenance program overseen by a trained professional, it can help keep your pipes clean and clog free for years, all without harming the environment or risking your family’s safety with harsh chemical cleansers.

How to Use BioSmart

Here’s how much BioSmart you need to clear a clog: approximately half a capful. With commercial drain cleaners, it sometimes requires a full bottle to cut through even an average clog. Imagine a whole quart of acidic liquid sitting down in your pipes for half an hour!

Once you put BioSmart in your drains, it gets to work breaking down, and then ultimately clearing the clog in your pipes.

Then, BioSmart keeps working for you after the clog is gone. Low levels of the enzymes and bacteria remain in your pipes, preventing further organic build-up. You can use BioSmart as a preventive step—something you would never try with chemical drain cleaners. Just pour a half capful down the drain every month and you’ll have a weapon against future blockages.

Contact the Bergen County plumbing and heating experts at BZ Dependable Plumbing & Heating, Inc., today and schedule an appointment with one of our drain cleaning experts.

Clogs are gross; there’s just no way around that fact. Unfortunately it’s likely that you’ll deal with a number of them over the course of your life because indoor plumbing is both a necessity and commonplace, and clogs can be a somewhat unavoidable problem with plumbing systems. But there are ways you can prevent at least some clogs from developing with the new plumbing from your kitchen remodeling in Fort Lee, and our BZ Dependable Plumbing & Heating, Inc., technicians have outlined some of these suggestions below:

Install a Garbage Disposal

Garbage disposals pulverize food waste into a manageable form of waste that can be easily washed down your drains. As long as you follow the guidelines, which include things like keeping glass, plastic, metal and FOG (fats, oils, grease) out of the disposal, you can avoid food-related clogs from developing.

Clean Your Pipes with Baking Soda and White Vinegar

One of the best ways to scour your pipes with an all-natural remedy: white vinegar and baking soda. The chemical reaction that occurs when these two materials combine in your drain creates a mixture that can scour some very tough stuff off the insides of your piping; you can even do it with your toilet. Doing this once a month can help keep your plumbing in tip-top shape.

Run Hot Water

If you don’t have a garbage disposal, running hot water down your pipes is a good thing because it helps clear sticking debris and flushes it out of the system. Running hot water twice a week is a good way to keep your drains healthy.

Don’t Dump FOG into Your Drain

FOG (fats, oil, grease) is one of the prime enemies of any plumbing system, be it big or small. FOG sticks easily, and when it congeals, it can become hard and stubborn. Hot water will not help the full removal of FOG from your plumbing system because it only serves to melt it and push it further into your drains, where it can congeal.

Schedule Annual Plumbing Maintenance

Just as schedule annual heating maintenance for your heating system, so, too, should you schedule plumbing maintenance for your plumbing system.

Don’t let those brand new plumbing pipes from your Fort Lee kitchen remodeling become clogged with gunk.

Use these tips from our BZ Dependable Plumbing & Heating, Inc., experts and keep your new plumbing system happy and healthy.

One the very worst things you can do for your home’s drains is to pour store-bought “drain cleaners” into them. These bottles contain highly caustic chemicals that can cause extensive damage to drainpipes, and they also create toxic fumes that can hurt your eyes. When you need drain cleaning, you should only call for professionals to handle the service.

At BZ Dependable Plumbing & Heating, Inc., one of the tools that we use for thorough drain cleaning is BioSmart by Drain Maid. This is a natural product that provides fantastic drain cleaning power without any of the dangers connected to the chemical drain cleaners you find in stores. Contact us today to arrange for BioSmart drain treatment in Hillsdale, NJ.

Why you should schedule BioSmart drain treatment from professionals

BioSmart works through a natural process: the power of bacteria to consume grease, oil, and other organic pollutants that develop inside drains. This is a standard part of sewage treatment plants, and now you can put it to use in your home. BioSmart contains a patented non-toxic solution with a mixture of enzymes and bacteria that will eat away at the build-up inside drainpipes, and eliminate odors as well. Store-bought chemical treatments for drains tend to destroy the natural, healthy bacteria inside drains, but BioSmart returns this helpful bacteria so that even after the treatment is completed, your drains will continue to have protection against further organic build-up. With a BioSmart treatment, you can expect clog-free drains for the next year.

However, you still need professionals to handle this service, and not just any professionals: not all plumbers offer drain cleaning services using the BioSmart Drain Maid treatment. You also do not want to rely on BioSmart alone for comprehensive drain cleaning. Call on a full-service plumbing company that will use the best equipment available to give you a thorough drain cleaning that will keep your plumbing healthy and as free from repair needs as possible.

Call the team at BZ Dependable Plumbing & Heating, Inc. and ask about our services for the BioSmart drain treatment in Hillsdale, NJ and throughout Bergen County.

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